Camp Program
Annual camps will normally be organised for students from Year 4 upwards. The cost of compulsory curriculum camps is included in the annual tuition fee. There is no refund if a student cannot attend a camp or the camp is cancelled due to an unforeseen circumstance. Subject-specific and special interest camps are optional and are charged separately.
Year 4 - Local History & Art Camp
Humanities and Arts Camp - The local area – Geraldton Camp School examining Geraldton, Greenough, and Port Gregory. 4 days, 3 nights

Year 5 - Perth Camp
Perth Experience – Experiential learning through educational and social opportunities outside their normal realm. 5 days, 4 nights.

Year 6 Canberra
Canberra - Cultural awareness, study electoral process, complement and enhance classroom learning in Humanities, Science and the Arts. 6 days, 5 nights
Year 7 - Nukara
Nukara Camp – Focus on team building and cooperative learning activities. Students are involved in a range of activities that use the environment of Nukara. The curriculum focus is sustainability. 3 days, 2 nights

Year 8 - Cervantes
Additional responsibilities added from year 7 Camp in preparation for Galena next year. 3 days, 2 nights.

Year 9 - Galena
Galena Camp – Students engage in learning activities centred around the 'place and the mineral’. They experience firsthand the concepts of self-sufficiency and minimum impact camping. 3 days, 2 nights

Year 9 - Outward Bound
Outward Bound - The Outward Bound program is designed to draw out the qualities of resilience, determination, self-discovery, leadership and cooperation. The main objective is for students to get to know their self-imposed personal limits and extend them.
Outward Bound aims to let the students learn through experience rather than structured lessons. Most of the experiences during the programs are real and immediate. The linking of actions and consequences is a critical element in this learning process. Courses are designed to draw out and use personal and group abilities to overcome the challenges encountered in living together while expeditioning through the outdoors. 11 days, 10 nights.
Year 10 - Gateway Camp
Perth Gateway – celebrating diversity, career planning, Career Expo, university visits. 5 days, 4 nights

Year 11 - Outward Bound
Outward Bound - The Outward Bound program is designed to draw out the qualities of resilience, determination, self-discovery, leadership and cooperation. The main objective is for students to get to know their self-imposed personal limits and extend them.
Outward Bound aims to let the students learn through experience rather than structured lessons. Most of the experiences during the programs are real and immediate. The linking of actions and consequences is a critical element in this learning process. Courses are designed to draw out and use personal and group abilities to overcome the challenges encountered in living together while expeditioning through the outdoors. 11 days, 10 nights

Year 11 & 12 Outdoor Education Camps
Outdoor Education courses have a range of camping and expedition opportunities to Rottnest Island, Coral Bay and Kalbarri.