Our Board

Members of the Geraldton Grammar School Board of Governors voluntarily offer a wealth of skills and experience to ensure the School continues its tradition of providing educational excellence for future generations.

The Board of Governors oversees the school's operation and strategic direction. The Board works closely with the Principal and Business Manager to set the policy and plan for the long-term benefit of Geraldton Grammar School.

Sub-committees of the Board have delegated responsibility for advising on Finance, Master Plan & Infrastructure, Risk & Compliance and Parents’ perspectives. Sub-committees are supported by the expertise of independent members.

The Principal is appointed by and accountable to the Board to manage the School and deliver the Teaching and Learning programme.

Our 2024 Board of Governors is:
Gabrielle Bracks
Jeremy Beckett

Chair of the Board

Board member since 2019

Chair of the Board since 2024

Deputy Chair of the Board

Board member since 2023

Deputy Chair of the Board since 2024

Paul Spackman
Peter Gerada
Board member since 2019

Deputy Chair of the Board from 2023-2024

Board member since 2019
Helen Painter
Tim Milnes
Board member since 2022Board member since 2023
Rav Gwaliorkar
Victor Theo
Board member since 2024Board member since 2023
Marion Nelson
Neesha Flint
Board Secretary since 2023Principal since 2018