Anglican Tradition
Our foundations at Geraldton Grammar School are built on the philosophies of the Anglican tradition. The School’s founders believed that education of the conscience and heart enabled good judgements to be made and to this day, the School community embraces Anglican traditions.
Students from kindy to year 12 take part in regular services. Worship offers students the opportunity to explore their own relationship with God, and allows them to have some time for reflection and quiet in the midst of the busy school day. It is also an opportunity to experience some simple Anglican liturgy.

While proud of our Anglican tradition and following a Christian philosophy, Geraldton Grammar School is privileged to have students and staff from various faiths and cultures, allowing all students to examine religious, moral and ethical issues in an environment of tolerance and respect.
Our school is a place where students are nurtured in an atmosphere of Christian love and understanding, following the two great commands of Jesus:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind. And love your neighbour as yourself.”
As a school in the Anglican tradition, Geraldton Grammar School teaches not only the basic tenets of the Christian faith as set out in the Bible, but explores those questions that we encounter in our search for meaning, such as the nature of truth and the self-worth of the individual.
We aim to maintain strong links with the local Anglican Churches and endeavour to support other Christian organisations throughout the Geraldton community. Anglicanism can be researched more thoroughly online through the following site:
Geraldton Grammar School is a member of the Western Australian Anglican Schools Association and as part of this association, our school supports the shared ethos statement.
The School promotes the understanding of the Old and New Testaments in the Christian faith. All students are exposed to the life and teachings of Jesus, and secondary students are taught the various ways scripture can be read and interpreted.
Our students regularly attend Chapel services under the guidance and direction of our local Reverend of the Anglican Church to learn about the Church’s history, other faith traditions, and how to conduct themselves in places of worship. The Reverend is at the centre of the spiritual life at Geraldton Grammar School and is available for counselling, spiritual direction and sacramental ministry if requested.
The big questions of faith and life are discussed honestly and openly with an emphasis on careful and respectful discussion. Students are encouraged to think philosophically through their life questions and develop their own thoughtful system of values.
The aim is to produce young people who have a considered and compassionate outlook on life.
Anglican Ethos
As an Anglican School we aim to:
• Nurture spiritual growth
• Provide a dynamic education while maintaining continuity with the past
• Value a spirit of inquiry and intellectual endeavour
• Support the development of the whole person with a balanced education
• Promote a safe, disciplined, caring learning community
• Aspire to be inclusive and open, responding to diverse needs and abilities
• Affirm the dignity and worth of all people
• Promote social, ethical, civic and environmental responsibility
Read the latest issue of the Anglican Messenger.