Sustainability News
September 2023
Thanks to the P&F for purchasing compost bins to be used by the food technology classes and the canteen to keep our food scraps out of the bin and turn them into nutritious compost for the school gardens.
February 2023
This year we have added Food Technology to the Year 7 Design and Technology rotations. Each group have been following the Ozharvest 'No Food Waste' FEAST program where students learn about the benefits of healthy eating, food waste prevention, and the vital role we can play in protecting our planet and creating a sustainable future.
October 2022
Over 60 students participated in the Geraldton Ride to School Breakfast organised by WestCycle. This a great way of encouraging students to ride to school, improve their overall health and well-being and better for the environment.
October 2022
Year 6 Veggie Garden Blitz - The Chapman Year 6s have been making the most of the spring weather, weeding and planting in our Primary veggie garden. It's looking great!

June 2022
If global food waste was a country it would be the 3rd largest greenhouse emitter.
Inspired by this and the work of Ozharvest our Year 10 Food class designed and produced a dish incorporating common food items that are thrown away in household bins. They did a fantastic job making, photographing and creating recipe cards for their dishes
May 2022
The Year 10 Food class have been looking at Food Security and Sustainability in Term 2. They completed an invention test using local and seasonal produce. The locally caught octopus from Abrolhos Octopus inspired some students to create tasty entries and a rustic pasta dish. For dessert, seasonal pear & apple tarts were created sweetened with local honey.
March 2022
For the first time, Geraldton Grammar School took part in the Tread Lightly School Recycling Shoe Drive between 21-27 March. It was a great excuse for staff, students and parents to dig out their old runners and thongs ready to donate. After sorting we collected 199 eligible shoes which will be collected by Tread Lightly and sent to the recycling plant in Australia for sorting, breakdown and processing. Reclaimed materials are used to manufacture new products such as gym mats, floors and playgrounds.

November 2021
Mrs Jefferies in the library encouraging us to recycle our old books to avoid them ending up in landfill. The Waste Sorted Schools Program shared this image on their Facebook page with this caption 'Not only is this display poster full of ideas for recycling your old books, it is also displayed in a waste avoidance way. No laminating in sight! Great job Geraldton Grammar School'

October 2021
The School is still actively collecting and recycling all types of plastics. The plastics bins are now being sorted into different categories:
- Single-Use 10c Containers for Change (C4C) – These containers are placed into C4C bags and dropped off to Super IGA who process the bags on our behalf and deposit the 10c into the School's bank account.
- All other remaining plastics are placed in the big blue skip bin in front of the admin block. This bin is collected by Cleanaway when full. The plastics are sorted, crushed and taken to Perth for reuse.
- We ask that the plastic lids be removed, prior to placing them in the bins and collected via a labelled white plastic bin located next to the big blue bin. The lids are collected as part of the “Lids for Kids” campaign.
Click here for more information on the Containers for Change program.

September 2021
Primary students participated in our annual School Clean-Up Day, working with their buddies to pick up rubbish around the school.
August 2021
After reading a book about a tree, the Year 5s had fun repurposing items such as old shoes, tins and even an old toy into plant pots whilst learning different ways to grow and care for plants.

Keep Australia Beautiful WA and Waste Wise are visiting Geraldton this week. Workshops were held in our library on Wednesday for staff from various schools and today, some of our year 5s and 6s participated in a workshop, learning about the importance of taking responsibility for litter and waste, and caring for the environment. So many students scored 100% in the Clean Schools quiz that there had to be a draw to decide the lucky winners! Thanks, Sam and Cindy, for sharing your knowledge with students and staff. Remember Keep Australia Beautiful Week, 16 - 22 August, corresponding with National Science Week.

June 2021
We have just been awarded a 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant to enhance the Kindergarten playground area by including additional native plants to create native habitats. Geraldton Grammar School is one of 1,609 primary schools and early learning centres throughout Australia receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions. The grants are being funded with a 10c contribution from each sale of the Woolworths Bag for Good at full price, which was launched in 2018 when Woolworths went single-use plastic bag free. The children and teachers are looking forward to working and learning from this project and we’ll keep you updated on the results.
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