After seeing what Geraldton Grammar School has to offer you and your child through this site, we would welcome the opportunity to talk to you personally and give you a guided tour through our facilities.
Please call us on 9965 7800 to arrange an appointment and/or download an Enrolment Application Form at the bottom of this page and submit to:
BY POST Principal, Geraldton Grammar School, PO Box 76, GERALDTON WA 6531
IN PERSON Administration, Geraldton Grammar School, 134 George Road, Geraldton, WA 6530
Our fees are very competitive and concessions are available when more than one child from a family is studying with us.
Enrolment procedure
1. Introductory information about Geraldton Grammar School may be obtained from the reception at the school administration office;
2. An Application for Enrolment (see below) should be completed for each child and submitted with a non-refundable Registration Fee of $70 per child (including GST) by post or in-person to the above addresses. A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate and current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement must be shown to the reception at this time. It is important to note that the completion of an application for enrolment form and payment of the registration fee does not guarantee a place at the school. Confirmation of enrolment will be conditional on an interview with the Principal.
3. Following receipt of the application for enrolment, a time will be arranged for you and your child/ren to meet with the Principal. School reports for the last year (where applicable) should be brought to this interview. At this interview, you should accurately represent the needs of your child as evidenced through previous schooling, daycare, or observations.
4. A formal offer of a place at the school is made following the successful completion of this process. All offers will be subject to a satisfactory interview with the Principal.
5. Parents accept the offer of a place by returning to the school the documentation requested in the Letter of Offer. A non-refundable enrolment fee of $700 for the first child plus $100 for each additional child enrolled from the same family, up to a maximum of $900, is required to be paid at this time.
6. Please note that despite the letter of offer being sent, the enrolment is not confirmed until the requested documentation and enrolment fee are received by the school.
7. The fees and charges document which outlines the tuition fees and charges, discounts, and conditions for the payment of accounts should be read in conjunction with the above information. For a copy of the fees and charges document contact [email protected] or fill out the Contact Us form.
8. Further information about enrolments at Geraldton Grammar School may be obtained from reception on (08) 9965 7800 or email [email protected].
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