Round Square
Geraldton Grammar School is a member of the Round Square network, an internationally diverse network of 250+ like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents that connect and collaborate to offer world-class programmes and experiences, developing global competence, character and confidence in our students. We are like-minded in our shared understanding of the hardwired link between character education and academic success. We also believe that to equip our students for positive, active and engaged global citizenship we must offer them more than academic knowledge and qualifications.
By providing challenging, collaborative, cross-cultural and experiential experiences students will develop:
- Responsibility and care for humanity
- Commitment to principles
- Skill and confidence needed for effective service and leadership
- Capacity to embrace life and demonstrate imagination, courage, generosity, kindness, empathy and compassion
- A global perspective on society and the environment
The Round Square schools are characterised by a shared belief in the 6 pillars know as IDEALS - international understanding, democracy, environmental awareness, adventure, leadership and service. The foundation of Round Square was laid in 1966 when 7 like-minded schools came together to embrace the philosophy of Kurt Hahn. Programs such as Outward Bound, Compass, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Personal Development Program, service learning, camps and our House system are all evidence of our school's commitment to this thinking.
As a Round Square school, we provide opportunities to:
- Devote time and energy to the service of others, within and beyond the school
- Participate in outdoor and co-curricular activities that challenge and engage students in ways that promote personal development, resilience and wellbeing
- Demonstrate leadership of, and kindness towards, others in the school, local and wider community
- Look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture
- Participate in national and international exchanges and conferences
- Become involved in local, national and global service projects
- Undertake a GAP year in another Round Square school
- Undertake programs to emphasise each student's destiny to be a caretaker of society and of the planet