Step Out (11-12)
Geraldton Grammar provides year 11 and 12 students with a choice of SCSA Courses of Study focused on academic streams in English, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. A range of non-ATAR courses are also offered.

The full list of courses on offer can be viewed on the Curriculum page.
In addition to these courses, the school offers TAFE-link VETiS (Vocational Education and Training in Schools) and PAiS (Pre-Apprenticeships in Schools) programs to allow students to study courses offered at the Durack Institute.
Year 12 students fill the positions of School Captains, Sports Captain, Arts Captain, Academic Captain, Service Captain as well as the House Captains. The school leadership program offers students some exciting opportunities both within the school and at external events.
The social functions are important parts of the students' maturing process. The Senior Formal is held each year and is attended by year 11 and 12 students and their guests. Year 12 Valedictory is one of the highlights of the school year with a full day of activities designed to honour and farewell the year 12 students.
Geraldton Grammar School has an enviable graduation rate. Our students achieve excellent results in the WACE Examinations with the majority of students offered places in their university course of choice.